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Stay informed with auto body industry news and insights from the owners of Marblehead Collision!

How to Choose the Right Auto Repair Shop

When you’re in an accident, you’ll need to find an auto body shop you can trust. It is crucial to find a shop that’s qualified and the right fit for you. Often times insurance companies steer customers in the direction of using a shop from their list. This list highlights repair shops that have an agreement with your insurance company to not charge any amount over what the insurance company dictates. Therefore, it is likely the insurance company will guide you towards the cheapest repair for them. Remember, you have the right to choose.

Here are some tips on how to choose the right repair shop:

  • Research ratings from reputable sources
  • Word of mouth from trusted people
  • Ask questions (Can you help me with a rental? Do you have a process for safety calibrations needed for my vehicle?)
  • Convenience (location, scheduling, rental options)

What you need to know about ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)

ADAS includes anything from windshield cameras to blind spot monitors and so much more. For example, when you are driving down the highway and the light comes on in your mirror when a car is coming up really fast behind you, that’s ADAS. After an accident your vehicle will most likely need these features to be calibrated to make sure they are working correctly.

Here are some tips on ADAS:

  • Remember ADAS repairs are common after an accident
  • Ask your body shop if they have ADAS calibration equipment. If they don’t, ask, “Who do you partner with?”
  • Ask your body shop if they will work with your insurance company to ensure ADAS repairs are covered

How You Can Help Pass Bill H4412

The AASP of Massachusetts has been fighting to increase the hourly reimbursement rate that insurance companies are reimbursing consumers for autobody repairs. MA has the lowest rate in the US. We need your help to make a change! Here are instructions on how to contact the state house to establish a minimum reimbursement rate to insurance claimants:

  • Find your legislator’s phone number here:
  • Contact your house representative(s). Ask for a call back from your representative to discuss how important bill H4412 is to you – an act to establish minimum reimbursement rate to insurance claimants. Explain that you are a constituent living in the district.
  • Once you connect with the representative, let them know how important H4412is to you and share examples:
    * Consumers are being forced to pay out of pocket beyond their deductibles because insurers are not living up to their obligation to pay claims in full. This comes at a time of historic premium increases from insurers.
    * The auto body industry needs a pay raise. It’s been too long since there has been a change in the labor rate! How can repair shops operate? The industry is suffering and we need some relief now.
    * Insurers will not do this on their own – the bill creates a mechanism to keep rates fair.
    * This bill will help attract skilled laborers to our industry. Technicians do not want to join the auto body trade because they know the pay is not fair.
  • Ask your representative to visit Chairman Aaron Michlewitz and ask him to “Move the bill out to a vote”
  • Thank them for their time and support


We are a proud member of the AASP-MA. AASP-MA strives to advance the industry through education, regulatory enforcement, and legislation to dismantle the control and influence insurers have on consumers and our industry. Please check out the website to learn more  AASP MA | Alliance Of Automotive Service Providers Massachusetts

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